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BHNS Hair and Nail Registrar Training Day - Virtual Meeting

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Event details


Hair and Nail Registrar Training Day
10th September 2021
Venue:  Virtual
Organiser: British Hair and Nail Society (BHNS)
Contact: Rose Wilmot, BHNS Secretary
Email: conference@bad.org.uk



09:00 - Introduction (BHNS President) (10 mins) - Anita Takwale
09:10 - Anatomy of the nail unit (20 mins) - Athina Fonia
09:30 - Nail dermoscopy - tips (20 mins) - Dhruv Laheru
Break (10 mins)
10:00 - Common Nail disorders part 1 - infections (30 mins) - Anita Takwale
10:30 - Common Nail disorders part 2 - inflammatory / systemic (30 mins) - Megan Mowbray
Break (10 mins)
11:10 - Biology of hair (30 mins) - Prof Andrew Messenger
11:40 - Genetic hair and nail talk (40 mins) - David De Berker
Lunch (50 mins)
13:10 - Dermatopathology for hair and nails (50 mins) - Iskander Chaudhry
Break (10 mins)
14:10 - Scarring alopecia (40 mins) - Yusur Al-Nuami
14:50 - Non scarring alopecia (40 mins) - Neki Meah
15:30 - Alopecia UK (10 mins) - Amy Johnson
15:40 - Close of meeting - Anita Takwale


Register here: https://www.eventsforce.net/bad/frontend/reg/thome.csp?pageID=109973&eventID=353&CSPCHD=000001000000hru0YSS1ZqUWVS_nbYyK21v8vTpcIi_TIMnKtb


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