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Current Research Interests
  • Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions/Control of Skin Appendage Development
  • Human Hair Follicle Induction: Application to Transplantation Technology
  • Transdifferentiation and Reprogramming of Epithelial Stem Cells to Skin, Hair and Cornea.
  • Hair Follicle Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  • Wound Healing and Regeneration and the Production of in vitro Skin and Cornea Models, Skin Replacement.
  • Development and Role of the Dermal Adipose Layer in Skin
Summary of Research

Much of the work in our laboratory has had the hair follicle as the core model system, with many facets of follicle biology being investigated, both basic and applied. Our research has been underpinned by key principles of development, and in particular epithelial-mesenchymal interactions.

More recently some emphasis has been on demonstrating that our findings from animal work on follicle regeneration, epithelial transdifferentiation, and stem cell activities are reproducible and have application in the human context. A new area of particular interest is in the relationship between follicles and the adipose layer in skin. Our expertise has included the isolation, micromanipulation and culture of discrete epithelial and mesenchyme; cell populations from follicles. We have also developed new models of skin that incorporate hair follicle cells.

Contact Details

Name:Colin Jahoda

Address:School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, Science Site.


Postal Code:DH13LE



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