Alopecia UK
Alopecia UK works to improve the lives of those affected by alopecia through aims of Support, Awareness and Research. They facilitate peer support through various platforms, such as face to face groups as well as online chat spaces, and provide a wealth of useful information on their website.
Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation
The website for the Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation which provides information and support groups for patients with scarring alopecia.
Alopecia Help & Advice
Providing support and information for anyone suffering the effects of Alopecia in Scotland.
Alopecia Ireland
Set up in 2004, Alopecia Ireland aims to provide support for those with alopecia and their families and to promote the awareness of alopecia in Ireland.
The British Skin Foundation
A registered charity that works closely with the British Association of Dermatologists and is involved in research and development into alopecia. They also work closely with many patient support groups including Alopecia Awareness.
Skin Care Campaign
An umbrella organisation that represents the interests of everyone in the UK with skin diseases. There are many members of this organisation, which is a registered charity including Alopecia Awareness.