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Dr. Yusur Al-Nuaimi

Dr Al-Nuaimi is a UK-trained Consultant Dermatologist working at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. She is the Hair Clinical Lead for the British Hair and Nail Society, NHS Consultant representative for the British Association of Dermatologists Research Sub-Committee and the South West Peninsula Dermatology Clinical Specialty lead for the NIHR research network. She runs a specialist NHS Hair and Scalp Disorders clinic in Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.

Dr Al-Nuaimi obtained her medical degree from the University of Manchester in 2005. She undertook her doctoral research in Integrative Systems Biology looking at the controls of the human hair cycle and the role of circadian clock genes and proteins in this process. Her PhD was awarded in 2012. She has multiple peer-reviewed publications, presented nationally and internationally and was awarded a British Society Investigative Dermatology Prize (for her PhD work). Her Dermatology training took place as an Academic Clinical Fellow of Dermatology at Salford Royal Hospital and South–West Peninsula (Exeter, Plymouth and Torbay).

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